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nnote: nora's notes
provides a script, nnote, to quickly make notes in a simple hierarchy
provides four quick aliases: dnote, mnote, ynote, gnote
optionally, set $NOTESDIR.
if you don't do this, nnote will use ~/Notes
then, install the scripts
option 1: clone this repo to ~$NOTESDIR/bin
then symlink dnote, mnote, ynote, gnote to your PATH like
$ ln -s "$NOTESDIR/bin/dnote" "$HOME/.bin/dnote"
option 2: clone this repo (wherever you like) and either
a) add that directory to your PATH, or
b) copy or symlink these scripts into your PATH
when you call nnote, you give it a note type (daily/monthly/yearly/global)
and, optionally, a note name, which can include spaces with or without quoting.
nnote will:
- create the appropriate note directory,
- make the note if it doesn't exist,
- cd into $NOTESDIR so your CtrlP.vim or whatever will work,
- and then open the note in $EDITOR
when the editor closes it'll cd back to where you were.
aliases are provided:
- dnote for daily notes
- mnote for monthly
- ynote for yearly
- gnote for global
you can enter different names but by default those are the note names too
the file hierarchy is very simple, for instance:
- bin/
- [scripts]
- [global notes]
- 2024/
- [yearly notes]
- 08/
- [monthly notes]
- 28/
- [daily notes]