{ "projectId": 8891, "displayName": "nora (noracodes@weirder.earth)", "dek": "queer pagan computer toucher", "description": "go follow me on [the fediverse](https://weirder.earth/@noracodes)\r\n\r\nhi! i'm nora. i was born under the [Great Comet of the Millennium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Hale%E2%80%93Bopp). i'm a 🦀👩‍💻\r\nrustacean, 🍄🔮 witch, 📡📻 radio amateur, hacker, synthesist, and general 🚩🏴 leftie nerd who lives on the outskirts of chicago in a little condo with my polycule.\r\n\r\n\"and when the last of those fires let fall / there was no lord in the world at all.\"" }