Add LoRa and FSK packet reception

Add a function to change the modulation mode and a function to receive
packets. Still needs a ton of work on various radio features and no
implementation of gfsk yet.
Leonora Tindall 2020-01-01 11:32:35 -08:00
父节点 34dd0902f2
当前提交 ccb9b89908
签署人:: nora
GPG 密钥 ID: 7A8B52EC67E09AAF
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 96 次插入17 次删除


@ -13,14 +13,18 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- `Rn2903::system_module_reset()`
- `Rn2903::mac_pause()` and `::mac_resume()`
- `Rn2903::system_{get, set}_nvm()`
- `BadResponse` and `CannotPause` error variants
- `Rn2903::radio_set_modulation_mode()`
- `Rn2903::radio_rx()`
- `BadResponse`, `TransceiverBusy`, and `CannotPause` error variants
- `NvmAddress` newtype for representing values that can be passed to NVM functions
- `ModulationMode` enum listing available modulation modes
- Examples directory:
- LED blink
- NVM read/write
- LoRa packet RX
### Changed
- example (now showing packet RX)
### Deprecated


@ -13,22 +13,20 @@ not directly depend on unstable crates.
## Example
For instance, here is a simple program which blinks the LoStik's LED using the RN2903's
GPIO functionality.
For instance, here is a simple program which dumps all LoRa packets received.
use rn2903::Rn2903;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;
use rn2903::{Rn2903, ModulationMode};
fn main() {
let mut txvr = Rn2903::new_at("/dev/ttyUSB0")
.expect("Could not open device. Error");
loop {
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 0").unwrap();
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 1").unwrap();
if let Some(packet) = txvr.radio_rx(65535).unwrap() {
println!("{:?}", packet);


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use rn2903::Rn2903;
use rn2903::{bytes_to_string, Rn2903};
use std::env::args;
use std::process::exit;
use std::thread;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ fn main() {
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 0").unwrap();
txvr.transact(b"radio rx 0").unwrap();
loop {
println!("{:?}", txvr.read_line().unwrap());
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 1").unwrap();
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 0").unwrap();
txvr.transact(b"radio rx 0").unwrap();
if let Some(packet) = txvr.radio_rx(65535).unwrap() {
println!("{:?}", packet);
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 1").unwrap();
txvr.transact(b"sys set pindig GPIO10 0").unwrap();


@ -8,6 +8,23 @@
//! TTY or virtual COM port, or a RN2903 connected via a TTL serial interface.
//! See the [`Rn2903` struct](struct.Rn2903.html) for the bulk of the crate's functionality.
//! # Examples
//! Receiving and printing valid LoRa payloads.
//! ```no_run
//! # use rn2903::{Rn2903, ModulationMode};
//! let mut txvr = Rn2903::new_at("/dev/ttyUSB0")
//! .expect("Could not open device. Error");
//! txvr.mac_pause().unwrap();
//! txvr.radio_set_modulation_mode(ModulationMode::LoRa).unwrap();
//! loop {
//! if let Some(packet) = txvr.radio_rx(65535).unwrap() {
//! println!("{:?}", packet);
//! }
//! }
//! ```
// One of the critical aspects of this library is error handling. Because it is intended
// to communicate with an external device, any operation could discover a disconnection
@ -49,6 +66,12 @@ quick_error! {
description("the LoRaWAN MAC cannot be paused")
display("The LoRaWAN MAC cannot be paused right now, but a pause was requested.")
/// The transceiver is busy with another operation, or is under the control of
/// the MAC, and cannot be used to perform the requested operation.
TransceiverBusy {
description("the radio transceiver hardware is in use")
display("The LoRa/FSK radio transceiver hardware is in use by another operation or the MAC layer and cannot be used to perform the requested operation.")
/// The program has become disconnected from the RN2903 module due to an I/O
/// error. It is possible the device was physically disconnected, or that the
/// host operating system closed the serial port for some reason.
@ -390,6 +413,60 @@ impl Rn2903 {
/// Types of modulation available for transmitting and receiving packets.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ModulationMode {
/// Regular digital frequency shift keying mode
/// LoRa chirp spread spectrum mode
LoRa, // TODO: GFSK with radio set bt <value>
/// # Radio API Functions
impl Rn2903 {
/// Set the modulation mode used by the radio for transmission and reception.
pub fn radio_set_modulation_mode(&mut self, mode: ModulationMode) -> Result<()> {
match mode {
ModulationMode::Fsk => self.transact_expecting(b"radio set mod fsk", b"ok"),
ModulationMode::LoRa => self.transact_expecting(b"radio set mod lora", b"ok"),
/// Open the receiver for the given timeout in symbols (for LoRa) or milliseconds
/// (for FSK), returning `Ok(Some(_))` if a valid packet is received or `Ok(None)` if
/// no packet is received before the timeout.
pub fn radio_rx(&mut self, timeout: u16) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
let result = self.transact(&format!("radio rx {}", timeout).into_bytes())?;
match &result[..] {
b"ok" => (),
b"busy" => return Err(Error::TransceiverBusy),
v => return Err(Error::bad_response("ok | busy", bytes_to_string(v))),
let response = self.read_line()?;
match &response[0..9] {
b"radio_err" => Ok(None),
b"radio_rx " => {
let response_bytes: std::result::Result<Vec<u8>, _> = response[10..]
.map(|b| u8::from_str_radix(&b, 16))
match response_bytes {
Ok(v) => Ok(Some(v)),
Err(_) => Err(Error::bad_response(
"radio_rx <bytes>",
_ => Err(Error::bad_response(
"radio_err | radio_rx <bytes>",
/// # MAC API Functions
impl Rn2903 {
/// Pauses the LoRaWAN MAC functionality on the device, returning the number of