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//! ## A Rusty interface for the RN2903 serial protocol
//! The RN2903 is a LoRa and FSK transciever for the 915MHz ISM band, commonly used in USB
//! devices like the LoStik.
//! This crate provides a safe, idiomatic interface using cross-platform native serial
//! functionality via `serialport`. This supports, for instance, a LoStik connected to a USB
//! TTY or virtual COM port, or a RN2903 connected via a TTL serial interface.
//! See the [`Rn2903` struct](struct.Rn2903.html) for the bulk of the crate's functionality.
// One of the critical aspects of this library is error handling. Because it is intended
// to communicate with an external device, any operation could discover a disconnection
// from the RN2903 serial link, so everything which does such communication will return
// a `Result<T, rn2903::Error>`.
extern crate quick_error;
use std::io;
quick_error! {
/// The primary error type used for fallible operations on the RN2903.
pub enum Error {
/// The connection to the RN2903 was impossible for some reason. Perhaps an
/// invalid port was specified, or this program does not have permission to
/// access the specified port.
ConnectionFailed(err: serialport::Error) {
/// The device to which the serial link is connected does not appear to be
/// a RN2903, because it did not respond to `sys get ver` correctly.
WrongDevice(version: String) {
description("failed to verify connected module")
display("Could not verify version string. Expected a RN2903 firmware revision, got '{}'",
/// The program has become disconnected from the RN2903 module due to an I/O
/// error. It is possible the device was physically disconnected, or that the
/// host operating system closed the serial port for some reason.
Disconnected(err: io::Error) {
/// Universal `Result` wrapper for the RN2903 interface.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// It's first necessary to actually connect to the module. To this end, the library
// exports all the configuration information needed to configure a serial port to
// communicate correctly with an RN2903.
use core::convert::AsRef;
use core::time::Duration;
use serialport::prelude::*;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::thread;
/// Returns the `SerialPortSettings` corresponding to the default settings of
/// an RNB2903.
/// Information obtained from Microchip document 40001811 revision B. Timeout is by
/// default set to a very long time; this is sometimes modified on the `SerialPort` itself
/// during certain operations.
/// # Examples
/// Opening a serial port with slightly modified settings. In this case, the baud rate
/// has been reduced.
/// ```no_run
/// let settings = serialport::SerialPortSettings {
/// baud_rate: 9600,
/// ..rn2903::serial_config()
/// };
/// serialport::open_with_settings("/dev/ttyUSB0", &settings)
/// .expect("Could not open serial port. Error");
/// ```
pub fn serial_config() -> SerialPortSettings {
SerialPortSettings {
baud_rate: 57600,
data_bits: DataBits::Eight,
flow_control: FlowControl::None,
parity: Parity::None,
stop_bits: StopBits::One,
timeout: Duration::new(65535, 0),
// Once connected to a serial port, the library needs to verify that it is actually
// connected to a RN2903 and not some other serial device. To this end, the `Rn2903`
// wrapper struct's `::new()` function checks the output of the `sys get ver` command,
// which is well-specified.
/// Turn the raw bytes into a String for display.
pub fn bytes_to_string(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
/// A handle to a serial link connected to a RN2903 module.
/// This library guarantees safety regardless of the state of the RN2903. Refer to the
/// documentation for sections and individual associated functions for specifics.
/// # Examples
/// Basic functionality can be obtained just by using `::new_at()` and `::transact()`.
/// For instance, blinking the LoStik's LED:
/// ```no_run
/// # use rn2903::Rn2903;
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # use std::thread;
/// let mut txvr = Rn2903::new_at("/dev/ttyUSB0")
/// .expect("Could not open device. Error");
/// loop {
/// txvr.transact(b"radio set pindig GPIO10 0").unwrap();
/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000));
/// txvr.transact(b"radio set pindig GPIO10 1").unwrap();
/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000));
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Rn2903 {
port: Box<dyn SerialPort>,
/// # Meta (type) Functions
/// These functions deal with the type `Rn2903`, providing ways to create and manipulate
/// the structure itself. Aside from performing validation of the device on the other side
/// of the serial link, these functions do not communicate with the module.
/// ## Creating an `Rn2903`
/// There are several ways to create a `Rn2903` wrapper for an RN2903 serial connection.
/// `::new_at()` is the recommended method, but `::new()` can be useful if the platform
/// does not support named serial ports, or some extra configuration is needed.
impl Rn2903 {
/// Opens a new connection to a module at the given path or port name, with the
/// default (and usually correct) settings from
/// [`serial_config`](fn.serial_config.html).
/// # Example
/// Connecting to a module accessible over the USB0 TTY.
/// ```no_run
/// # use rn2903::Rn2903;
/// let txvr = Rn2903::new_at("/dev/ttyUSB0")
/// .expect("Could not open device. Error");
/// ```
pub fn new_at<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(port_name: S) -> Result<Self> {
let sp = serialport::open_with_settings(&port_name, &serial_config())?;
/// Open a new connection to a module over the connection described by the given
/// `SerialPort` trait object.
pub fn new(port: Box<dyn SerialPort>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut new = Self::new_unchecked(port);
let version = new.system_version()?;
if &version[0..6] != "RN2903" {
} else {
/// Open a new connection to a module over the connection described by the given
/// `SerialPort` trait object without performing a `sys get ver` check.
/// The results of operations on a `Rn2903` struct that does _not_ represent an
/// actual connection to an RN2903 module are completely unpredictable, and may
/// result in lots of badness (though not memory unsafety).
pub fn new_unchecked(port: Box<dyn SerialPort>) -> Self {
Self { port }
/// Acquires temporary direct access to the captured `SerialPort` trait object.
/// Use this access to, for example, reconfigure the connection on the fly,
/// or set flags that will be used by devices this crate is unaware of.
/// # Example
/// Raising and then lowering the RTS signal, for example to signal a bus observer
/// to switch on.
/// ```no_run
/// # use rn2903::Rn2903;
/// # use std::thread;
/// # use std::time::Duration;
/// # let mut txvr = Rn2903::new_at("/dev/ttyUSB0")
/// # .expect("Could not open device. Error");
/// txvr.port().write_request_to_send(true)
/// .expect("Could not set RTS. Error");
/// thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(25));
/// txvr.port().write_request_to_send(false)
/// .expect("Could not set RTS. Error");
/// ```
pub fn port(&mut self) -> &mut dyn SerialPort {
&mut *self.port
/// # Low-level Communications
impl Rn2903 {
/// Writes the specified command to the module and returns a single line in response.
/// This function adds the CRLF to the given command and returns the response without
/// the CRLF.
/// This is the preferred low-level communication method, since the RN2903 is supposed
/// to respond with a single line to every command.
pub fn transact(&mut self, command: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
/// Writes the specified command to the module, adding a CRLF and flushing the buffer.
/// Using [`::transact()`](#method.transact) is preferred.
pub fn send_line(&mut self, line: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let bytes: Vec<u8> = line.iter().chain(b"\x0D\x0A".iter()).cloned().collect();
let mut cursor = 0;
while cursor < bytes.len() {
cursor += self.port.write(&bytes[cursor..])?;
/// Reads bytes from the device until a CRLF is encountered, then returns the bytes
/// read, not including the CRLF.
/// Using [`::transact()`](#method.transact) is preferred.
// This operation waits 12ms between each 32-byte read because the LoStick has
// the hiccups.
pub fn read_line(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(32);
loop {
let mut buf = [0; 32];
self.port.read(&mut buf)?;
// Check if crlf was added to the buffer.
let mut found_lf = false;
let mut found_crlf = false;
for byte in vec.iter().rev() {
if found_lf {
if *byte == b'\x0D' {
found_crlf = true;
} else {
found_lf = *byte == b'\x0A';
if found_crlf {
} else {
// Remove zeroes and crlf
while (b"\x00\x0D\x0A").contains(&vec[vec.len() - 1]) {
/// # System API Functions
impl Rn2903 {
/// Queries the module for its firmware version information.
/// Returns a `String` like `RN2903 1.0.3 Aug 8 2017 15:11:09`
pub fn system_version(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
let bytes = self.transact(b"sys get ver")?;