use maud::{html, DOCTYPE}; use libsig::SongIdea; pub fn main_page_template(idea: Option) -> String { let content = match idea { Some(idea) => { idea.to_string() }, None => { "Generate a new idea with the links below!".to_string() } }; let html = html! { (DOCTYPE) head { link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"; } body { h1 { "Song Idea Generator" } p{ "Why don't you make a song like this: " } p.content { (content) } footer { p { a href="./generate" { "generate new" } " | " a href="./generate_ambient" { "generate new (ambient)" } } p { a href="" { "my blog" } " | " a href="" { "code" } } } } }; html.into() }