# Western блат (In Russian, "блат" refers to a form of corruption based on mutual favors between officials or businessmen. It is pronounced like "blat".) This is a simple Python script based on Pillow which allows you to generate moderately convincing [Western blot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_blot) images for use in falsifying research outcomes. ![Sample of the output generated by this program - smudged lines](images/sample.png) ## Why? I watched [this Pete Judo video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PwMQf8FHuw) and was annoyed by the assertion that diffusion image models represent a unique risk for academic integrity. You can cheat at research with just a regular computer, no AI required. ## How? Either use the `shell.nix` or install Pillow, then just run `gen.py`. If you have `timg`, gen.py's output is the path of the generated file and can be directly piped into `timg` for display.