This commit is contained in:
sparshg 2023-01-06 02:03:25 +05:30
parent edf1db25e0
commit b9cfedc00d
6 changed files with 63 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ impl Asteroid {
pub fn update(&mut self) {
// if self.alive {
self.pos += self.vel;
self.rot +=;
if self.pos.x.abs() > screen_width() * 0.5 + self.radius {
@ -81,9 +80,6 @@ impl Asteroid {
if self.pos.y.abs() > screen_height() * 0.5 + self.radius {
self.pos.y *= -1.;
// self.alive = self.pos.y.abs() < screen_height() * 0.51 + self.radius
// && self.pos.x.abs() < screen_width() * 0.51 + self.radius;
// }
pub fn draw(&self) {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ mod world;
use macroquad::prelude::*;
use population::Population;
use world::World;
async fn main() {
@ -18,9 +17,6 @@ async fn main() {
let mut pop = Population::new(100);
let mut speedup = false;
// for _ in 0..10000 * 10 {
// pop.update();
// }
loop {
if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::S) {
@ -36,13 +32,4 @@ async fn main() {
// let mut world = World::new();
// loop {
// clear_background(BLACK);
// if !world.over {
// world.update();
// }
// world.draw();
// next_frame().await
// }

View File

@ -39,9 +39,6 @@ impl NN {
.map(|(&curr, &last)| {
// DMatrix::from_fn(last, curr + 1, |_, _| gen_range(-1., 1.))
// DMatrix::<f32>::new_random(last, curr + 1)
// println!("{}", a);
// a
DMatrix::<f32>::from_distribution(last, curr + 1, &StandardNormal, &mut rng)
* (2. / last as f32).sqrt()
@ -75,7 +72,6 @@ impl NN {
// *ele += gen_range(-1., 1.);
*ele = gen_range(-1., 1.);
// *ele = r::thread_rng().sample::<f32, StandardNormal>(StandardNormal);
// *ele = r::thread_rng().sample::<f32, StandardNormal>(StandardNormal);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use std::{f32::consts::PI, f64::consts::TAU, iter};
use macroquad::{prelude::*, rand::gen_range};
use nalgebra::{max, partial_max, partial_min};
use crate::{asteroids::Asteroid, nn::NN};
@ -58,35 +57,29 @@ impl Player {
pub fn check_player_collision(&mut self, asteroid: &Asteroid) -> bool {
// let directions = [
// vec2(0., -screen_height()),
// vec2(0., screen_height()),
// vec2(-screen_width(), 0.),
// vec2(screen_width(), 0.),
// ];
// let mut nearest = asteroid.pos - self.pos;
// for dir in directions {
// if (asteroid.pos - self.pos + dir).length_squared() < nearest.length_squared() {
// nearest = asteroid.pos - self.pos + dir;
// }
// }
((asteroid.pos - self.pos).length() - asteroid.radius) / screen_width(),
self.dir.angle_between(asteroid.pos - self.pos),
(asteroid.vel - self.vel).length(),
// if self.asteroid.is_none()
// || (asteroid.pos).distance_squared(self.pos)
// < self
// .asteroid
// .as_ref()
// .unwrap()
// .pos
// .distance_squared(self.pos)
// {
// self.asteroid = Some(asteroid.clone());
// }
// ]);
// To give more near asteroids data:
// self.asteroid_data.push((
// ((asteroid.pos - self.pos).length() - asteroid.radius) / screen_width(),
// self.dir.angle_between(asteroid.pos - self.pos),
// (asteroid.vel - self.vel).length(),
// ));
// Single asteroid data:
if self.asteroid.is_none()
|| (asteroid.pos).distance_squared(self.pos)
< self
self.asteroid = Some(asteroid.clone());
// Try raycasting below:
// let v = asteroid.pos - self.pos;
// for i in 0..4 {
// let dir = Vec2::from_angle(PI / 4. * i as f32).rotate(self.dir);
@ -125,36 +118,30 @@ impl Player {
self.last_shot += 1;
self.acc = 0.;
let mut keys = vec![false, false, false, false];
let mut inputs = vec![
// (self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos - self.pos).length() / screen_width(),
// self.dir
// .angle_between(self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos - self.pos),
// self.vel.x / 11.,
// self.vel.y / 11.,
if let Some(ast) = self.asteroid.as_ref() {
let inputs = vec![
(ast.pos - self.pos).length() / screen_width(),
self.dir.angle_between(ast.pos - self.pos),
(ast.vel - self.vel).length(),
self.rot / TAU as f32,
// self.rot.sin(),
// self.rot.cos(),
.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap());
self.asteroid_data.resize(1, (0., 0., 0.));
&mut self
.map(|(d, a, h)| vec![*d, *a, *h])
// println!("{:?}", inputs);
// let inputs = self.raycasts.clone();
// inputs.append(self.asteroids_data.as_mut());
if let Some(brain) = &self.brain {
// println!("{:?}", brain.feed_forward(inputs.clone()));
// self.asteroid_data
// .sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap());
// self.asteroid_data.resize(1, (0., 0., 0.));
// inputs.append(
// &mut self
// .asteroid_data
// .iter()
// .map(|(d, a, h)| vec![*d, *a, *h])
// .flatten()
// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
// );
if let Some(brain) = &self.brain {
keys = brain.feed_forward(inputs).iter().map(|&x| x > 0.).collect();
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) && self.debug || keys[0] {
self.rot = (self.rot + 0.1 + TAU as f32) % TAU as f32;
self.dir = vec2(self.rot.cos(), self.rot.sin());
@ -164,7 +151,6 @@ impl Player {
self.dir = vec2(self.rot.cos(), self.rot.sin());
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Up) && self.debug || keys[2] {
// Change scaling when passing inputs if this is changed
self.acc = 0.14;
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Space) && self.debug || keys[3] {
@ -182,6 +168,9 @@ impl Player {
if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::D) {
self.debug = !self.debug;
if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::S) {
self.debug = false;
self.vel += self.acc * self.dir - self.drag * self.vel.length() * self.vel;
self.pos += self.vel;
@ -198,9 +187,11 @@ impl Player {
self.bullets.retain(|b| {
b.alive && b.pos.x.abs() * 2. < screen_width() && b.pos.y.abs() * 2. < screen_height()
// self.draw();
if self.debug {
self.asteroid = None;
// self.asteroid_data.clear();
pub fn draw(&self) {
@ -223,25 +214,16 @@ impl Player {
draw_triangle_lines(p6, p7, p8, 2., color);
if self.debug {
// if self.asteroid.is_some() {
// draw_circle_lines(
// self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos.x,
// self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos.y,
// self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().radius,
// 1.,
// GRAY,
// );
// }
let p = self.pos
+ self.dir.rotate(Vec2::from_angle(self.asteroid_data[0].1))
* self.asteroid_data[0].0
* screen_width();
self.pos.x, self.pos.y,
// self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos.x,
// self.asteroid.as_ref().unwrap().pos.y,
p.x, p.y, 1., GRAY,
if let Some(ast) = self.asteroid.as_ref() {
draw_circle_lines(ast.pos.x, ast.pos.y, ast.radius, 1., GRAY);
// let p = self.pos
// + self.dir.rotate(Vec2::from_angle(self.asteroid_data[0].1))
// * self.asteroid_data[0].0
// * screen_width();
draw_line(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, ast.pos.x, ast.pos.y, 1., GRAY);
// Draw raycasts
// for (i, r) in self.raycasts.iter().enumerate() {
// let dir = Vec2::from_angle(PI / 4. * i as f32).rotate(self.dir);

View File

@ -63,22 +63,12 @@ impl Population {
println!("Fitness: {}",;
println!("Gen: {}, Fitness: {}", self.gen, self.worlds[0].fitness);
// let mut new_worlds = vec![World::simulate(Some(self.worlds[0].see_brain().to_owned()))];
let mut new_worlds = (0..self.size / 20)
.map(|i| World::simulate(Some(self.worlds[i].see_brain().to_owned())))
// if is_key_down(KeyCode::K) {
// }
// println!(
// "Total fitness: {} {} {}",
// total,
// self.worlds[0].fitness(),
// self.worlds[1].fitness()
// );
while new_worlds.len() < self.size {
let rands = (gen_range(0., total), gen_range(0., total));
// println!("rands: {} {} {}", rands.0, rands.1, total);
let mut sum = 0.;
let (mut a, mut b) = (None, None);
for world in &self.worlds {
@ -90,8 +80,6 @@ impl Population {
b = Some(world.see_brain());
// println!("{}", &a.unwrap().weights[0]);
// println!("{}", &b.unwrap().weights[0]);
if a.is_none() {
a = Some(self.worlds.last().unwrap().see_brain());
@ -99,10 +87,7 @@ impl Population {
b = Some(self.worlds.last().unwrap().see_brain());
let mut new_brain = NN::crossover(a.unwrap(), b.unwrap());
// println!("{}", &a.unwrap().weights[0]);
// println!("{}", &b.unwrap().weights[0]);
// println!("{}", &new_brain.weights[0]);
self.worlds = new_worlds;

View File

@ -11,24 +11,13 @@ pub struct World {
asteroids: Vec<Asteroid>,
pub score: f32,
pub over: bool,
max_asteroids: usize,
pub fitness: f32,
impl World {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
player: Player::new(),
max_asteroids: 28,
score: 1.,
pub fn simulate(brain: Option<NN>) -> Self {
Self {
player: Player::simulate(brain),
max_asteroids: 28,
score: 1.,
asteroids: vec![
Asteroid::new_to(vec2(0., 0.), 1.5, AsteroidSize::Large),
@ -49,30 +38,7 @@ impl World {
// fn calc_fitness(&mut self) {
// println!(
// "{} {} {}",
// self.score as f32,
// self.player.lifespan as f32 * 0.001,
// if self.player.shots > 0 {
// self.score as f32 / self.player.shots as f32 * 5.
// } else {
// 0.
// }
// );
// }
pub fn update(&mut self) {
// if self.player.lifespan > 150 {
// = 1.
// / ((self.player.pos * vec2(2. / screen_width(), 2. / screen_height()))
// .distance_squared(vec2(0., -1.))
// + self.player.vel.length_squared()
// * self.player.vel.length_squared()
// * 0.00006830134554
// + 1.);
// self.over = true;
// }
let mut to_add: Vec<Asteroid> = Vec::new();
for asteroid in &mut self.asteroids {
@ -108,19 +74,15 @@ impl World {
_ => {}
for asteroid in self.asteroids.iter() {
if self.player.check_player_collision(&*asteroid) {
if self.player.check_player_collision(asteroid) {
self.over = true; =
(self.score / self.player.shots as f32).powi(2) * self.player.lifespan as f32;
// println!("{} {} {}", self.score, self.player.lifespan,;
self.asteroids.append(&mut to_add);
self.asteroids.retain(|asteroid| asteroid.alive);
// if self.asteroids.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| {
// acc + match x.size {
// AsteroidSize::Large => 4,
@ -146,8 +108,6 @@ impl World {
(self.score / self.player.shots as f32).powi(2) * self.player.lifespan as f32
// 20. - screen_width() * 0.5,
// 30. - screen_height() * 0.5,
self.player.pos.x - 20.,
self.player.pos.y - 20.,