
316 lines
10 KiB

use std::{f32::consts::PI, f64::consts::TAU};
use macroquad::{prelude::*, rand::gen_range};
use crate::{
nn::{ActivationFunc, NN},
const NUM_KEYS: usize = 4;
const INPUTS_PER_ASTEROID: usize = 4;
const NUM_ASTEROIDS: usize = 1;
const INPUTS_FOR_SHIP: usize = 2;
const VALUES_PER_MEMORY: usize = 1;
const NUM_MEMORIES: usize = 0;
pub struct Player {
pub pos: Vec2,
vel: Vec2,
acc: f32,
pub dir: Vec2,
rot: f32,
drag: f32,
bullets: Vec<Bullet>,
asteroids: Vec<Option<Asteroid>>,
inputs: Vec<f32>,
pub outputs: Vec<f32>,
last_shot: u32,
shot_interval: u32,
pub brain: Option<NN>,
alive: bool,
pub lifespan: u32,
pub shots: u32,
memory: std::collections::VecDeque<f32>,
impl Player {
pub fn new(
config: Option<Vec<usize>>,
mut_rate: Option<f32>,
activ: Option<ActivationFunc>,
) -> Self {
Self {
brain: match config {
Some(mut c) => {
c.retain(|&x| x != 0);
// Number of inputs
// Number of outputs
+ if NUM_MEMORIES > 0 {
} else {
Some(NN::new(c, mut_rate.unwrap(), activ.unwrap()))
_ => None,
dir: vec2(0., -1.),
rot: 1.5 * PI,
// Change scaling when passing inputs if this is changed
drag: 0.001,
shot_interval: 18,
alive: true,
shots: 4,
// 4 outputs, 1 for memory
outputs: vec![0.; NUM_KEYS + VALUES_PER_MEMORY],
memory: vec![0.; VALUES_PER_MEMORY * NUM_MEMORIES].into(),
pub fn check_player_collision(&mut self, asteroid: &Asteroid) -> bool {
// Save the asteroid to our asteroids
if asteroid.check_collision(self.pos, 8.) || self.lifespan > 3600 && self.brain.is_some() {
self.alive = false;
return true;
pub fn consider_asteroids(pos: Vec2, asteroids: &mut Vec<Option<Asteroid>>) {
// Consider the closest asteroids first
asteroids.sort_by_key(|ast| match ast {
None => i32::MAX,
Some(ast) => (dist_wrapping(ast.pos, pos, ast.radius) * 100.) as i32,
// Cull if there are too may asteroids
*asteroids = asteroids.iter().cloned().take(NUM_ASTEROIDS).collect();
// Insert if there are not enought asteroids
if asteroids.len() < NUM_ASTEROIDS {
for _ in 0..NUM_ASTEROIDS - asteroids.len() {
assert_eq!(asteroids.len(), NUM_ASTEROIDS);
pub fn check_bullet_collisions(&mut self, asteroid: &mut Asteroid) -> bool {
for bullet in &mut self.bullets {
if asteroid.check_collision(bullet.pos, 0.) {
asteroid.alive = false;
bullet.alive = false;
return true;
pub fn update(&mut self) {
self.lifespan += 1;
self.last_shot += 1;
self.acc = 0.;
self.outputs = vec![0.; 4];
let mut keys = vec![false; 4];
self.inputs = vec![];
// Insert all the asteroid data
Self::consider_asteroids(self.pos, &mut self.asteroids);
for ast in &self.asteroids {
if let Some(ast) = ast {
// Distance to asteroid
dist_wrapping(ast.pos, self.pos, ast.radius),
// Angle to asteroid
self.dir.angle_between(ast.pos - self.pos),
// Asteroid velocity x
(ast.vel - self.vel).x * 0.6,
// Asteroid velocity y
(ast.vel - self.vel).y * 0.6,
} else {
self.inputs.extend_from_slice(&[0., 0., 0., 0.]);
assert_eq!(self.inputs.len(), NUM_ASTEROIDS * INPUTS_PER_ASTEROID);
// Insert the ship data
self.inputs.push(self.rot / TAU as f32);
(self.shot_interval as f32 - self.last_shot as f32).max(0.) / self.shot_interval as f32,
// Insert the memories
for memory in &self.memory {
// Run the brain
if let Some(brain) = &self.brain {
assert_eq!(self.inputs.len(), brain.config[0] - 1);
self.outputs = brain.feed_forward(&self.inputs);
self.memory.push_back(self.outputs[self.outputs.len() - 1]);
keys = self
.map(|&x| {
x > if brain.activ_func == ActivationFunc::Sigmoid {
} else {
if keys[0] || self.brain.is_none() && is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) {
self.rot = (self.rot + 0.1 + TAU as f32) % TAU as f32;
self.dir = vec2(self.rot.cos(), self.rot.sin());
if keys[1] || self.brain.is_none() && is_key_down(KeyCode::Left) {
self.rot = (self.rot - 0.1 + TAU as f32) % TAU as f32;
self.dir = vec2(self.rot.cos(), self.rot.sin());
if keys[2] || self.brain.is_none() && is_key_down(KeyCode::Up) {
self.acc = 0.14;
if keys[3] || self.brain.is_none() && is_key_down(KeyCode::Space) {
if self.last_shot > self.shot_interval {
self.last_shot = 0;
self.shots += 1;
self.bullets.push(Bullet {
pos: self.pos + self.dir * 20.,
vel: self.dir * 8.5 + self.vel,
alive: true,
travelled: Vec2::new(0., 0.),
self.vel += self.acc * self.dir - self.drag * self.vel.length() * self.vel;
self.pos += self.vel;
if self.pos.x.abs() > WIDTH * 0.5 + 10. {
self.pos.x *= -1.;
if self.pos.y.abs() > HEIGHT * 0.5 + 10. {
self.pos.y *= -1.;
for bullet in &mut self.bullets {
self.bullets.retain(|b| b.alive);
self.asteroids = vec![];
pub fn draw(&self, color: Color, debug: bool) {
let p1 = self.pos + self.dir * 20.;
let p2 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-18., -12.667));
let p3 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-18., 12.667));
let p4 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-10., -10.));
let p5 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-10., 10.));
let p6 = self.pos + self.dir * -25.;
let p7 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-10., -6.));
let p8 = self.pos + self.dir.rotate(vec2(-10., 6.));
draw_line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, 2., color);
draw_line(p1.x, p1.y, p3.x, p3.y, 2., color);
draw_line(p4.x, p4.y, p5.x, p5.y, 2., color);
if self.acc > 0. && gen_range(0., 1.) < 0.4 {
draw_triangle_lines(p6, p7, p8, 2., color);
if debug {
let mut debug_asteroids = self.asteroids.clone();
Self::consider_asteroids(self.pos, &mut debug_asteroids);
for asteroid in &debug_asteroids {
if let Some(ast) = asteroid {
draw_circle_lines(ast.pos.x, ast.pos.y, ast.radius, 1., RED);
// let p = self.pos
// + self.dir.rotate(Vec2::from_angle(self.asteroid_data[0].1))
// * self.asteroid_data[0].0
// * WIDTH;
draw_line(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, ast.pos.x, ast.pos.y, 1., RED);
// Draw raycasts
// for (i, r) in self.raycasts.iter().enumerate() {
// let dir = Vec2::from_angle(PI / 4. * i as f32).rotate(self.dir);
// draw_line(
// self.pos.x,
// self.pos.y,
// self.pos.x + dir.x * 100. / r,
// self.pos.y + dir.y * 100. / r,
// 1.,
// GRAY,
// );
// }
for bullet in &self.bullets {
pub fn draw_brain(&self, width: f32, height: f32, bias: bool) {
if let Some(brain) = &self.brain {
brain.draw(width, height, &self.inputs, &self.outputs, bias);
struct Bullet {
pos: Vec2,
vel: Vec2,
alive: bool,
travelled: Vec2,
impl Bullet {
fn update(&mut self) {
self.pos += self.vel;
if self.pos.x.abs() > WIDTH * 0.5 {
self.pos.x *= -1.;
if self.pos.y.abs() > HEIGHT * 0.5 {
self.pos.y *= -1.;
self.travelled += self.vel;
if self.travelled.length() >= (WIDTH * WIDTH + HEIGHT * HEIGHT).sqrt() / 2. {
self.alive = false;
fn draw(&self, c: Color) {
draw_circle(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, 2., Color::new(c.r, c.g, c.b, 0.9));
// Distance in a toroidal space:
fn dist_wrapping(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, r: f32) -> f32 {
let mut dx = (a.x - b.x).abs();
let mut dy = (a.y - b.y).abs();
if dx > (WIDTH as f32 / 2.) {
dx = WIDTH as f32 - dx;
if dy > (HEIGHT as f32 / 2.) {
dy = HEIGHT as f32 - dy;
((dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt() - r) / (WIDTH * WIDTH + HEIGHT * HEIGHT).sqrt()